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New insights into productivity, kilos for Dutch growers

The Rainbow Growers Group cultivates, harvests, and packages bell peppers. This Dutch company has multiple locations, accounting for 75 hectares of greenhouses. LinkThings has given these bell pepper growers insight into all their data.

The growers were already unlocking data and creating dashboards in which they could report on things like work quality and productivity. By aligning these two actions, Rainbow can maintain quality and meet productivity standards.

According to this LinkThings report, they were, however, not getting the desired results. The data source accessing method was not great. Three locations were using the same software package, but they were all set up differently. They could, thus, not add their data to one warehouse but had to use three. They needed to amalgamate the data, which is exactly what LinkThings did.

"We merged the three locations so each has the same overview and can, thus, draw conclusions from that. That makes it easier for each site because they all see the same data in the reports and dashboards. Also, any adjustments are made immediately across all sites, so each location doesn't have to do that individually," reads the LinkThings story.

New productivity, kg insights
The Rainbow Growers Group uses Ridder Productive's labor registration software package. Each site had set this up somewhat differently, making it harder to link them. But not impossible after certain data transformations were done.

"We'd not worked with this package before. This is one of LinkThings' specialties: unlocking new packages and making quick connections. When you unlock data and make it visible in a dashboard, you find that some overviews can be arranged even better," reads the LinkThings article.

By tweaking the existing system, the growers can now see when their workers are most productive and whether a second harvesting round in a single week is a good idea. That gives the group new insights into productivity and kilos.

Read all about this here, in the LinkThings blog.

For more information:
111-113 ABC Westland
2685 DB, Poeldijk, NL
Email: [email protected] 

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