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Southern India vegetable prices skyrocket due to unprecedented rains

The price of tomatoes is now touching Rs 140 per kg in many parts of southern India, as supplies are affected by the unprecedented heavy rains in all states Monday, December 6th. The tomato prices in the country already started to increase since late September, due to the monsoons.

According to data from the Consumer Affairs Ministry, the retail prices of tomatoes were ranging from Rs 30-83 per kg on Monday while the price of tomatoes in the western and southern regions was Rs 30-85 and Rs 39-80 per kg respectively.

Meanwhile, the price of tomatoes in Kerala ranged from Rs 125 per kg at Thiruvananthapuram, Rs 105 per kg in Palakkad, Rs 91 per kg in Kozhikode, and Rs 83 per kg in Kottayam. In Karnataka, the tomato prices ranged from Rs 100 per kg in Mangalore while Rs 57 per kg in Bengaluru, which produces tomatoes for the country.

[ Rs 100 = €1.20 ]

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