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Prices for greenhouse tomatoes in Uzbekistan are breaking records: will they continue to rise?

Prices for greenhouse tomatoes in Uzbekistan are breaking records: the average wholesale prices for red round tomatoes have grown by 30% over the past week, and by 3.7 times over the past two months. The current prices are several times higher than those recorded on the same date in previous years, EastFruit analysts note.

The dynamics of prices for greenhouse tomatoes in September-November 2021 differs significantly from that in the same period in 2019 and 2020. In previous years, the increase in prices for greenhouse tomatoes began in the second half of October and early November, but in 2021, the average wholesale prices for greenhouse tomatoes started to increase on the 20th of September. Subsequently, the trend continued in October and November 2021 at a much higher pace than in previous years.

Russia is the largest importer of Uzbek tomatoes they import 52% of the total volume of fresh tomatoes exported from Uzbekistan in 9 months of 2021. At the same time, the potential for growth in tomato prices in Uzbekistan has not yet been exhausted, since prices on the Russian market grew faster than on the Uzbek market then.

The upward trend in prices in the Russian market continued until the end of October 2021, but then the average wholesale prices for greenhouse tomatoes began to decline. They fell by 33% over the last week, while in Uzbekistan, prices are still rising. Opposite price dynamics for greenhouse tomatoes and their sharp decline on the Russian market over the past week have led to a narrower gap between prices in Russia and Uzbekistan, and to the average wholesale prices being higher in Uzbekistan than in Russia.

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