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Odisha Horticulture Department to aid vegetable farmers in Ganjam region

The Odisha Horticulture Department has stepped in to help vegetable farmers in Ganjam region, as this area has been struck hard by the pandemic. Now, growers who were unable to sell their harvest last year due to Covid-19 are being assisted by the government, which is providing subsidies and is encouraging them to start mushroom farming across the territory.

The department has offered 15 mushroom beds and Rs.1000 in financial assistance to over 800 farmers. The project has invigorated farmers, particularly women's self-help organizations, who have encountered a number of challenges as a result of the pandemic.

According to Behera, the Horticulture Department has also started cultivating fruits on 3,185 acres of land around the district.

[ Rs. 100 = €1.10 ]

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