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Canadian high school greenhouse to begin construction in 2022

The Strathmore High School (SHS) is moving forward with their community greenhouse project, having now put down a deposit for the facility’s construction. The project has been discussed for over a year, and since June, the last 20% of the $50,000 required to build has been raised. The deposit expended consisted of half of the budget for the greenhouse.

The idea is to construct a geodesic dome on school grounds, likely to take the place of the beach volleyball court, that will function completely off-grid and will operate year-round.

“We put a deposit down on the greenhouse, and the plan is for it to arrive in the spring. In the meantime, we’re starting to plan some of the other aspects that we’ll need in order to meet our goal,” said Cole Hintz, who is overseeing the project.

“Being able to run this greenhouse year-round, off-grid, means that we need to be a little bit more intentional, designing from the ground up. The space is going to be a pretty good demonstration of sustainable tech and what year-round growing can look like, not just at a school, but potentially in somebody’s backyard.”

Once constructed, the 850 square foot dome will function both as a space for students to learn and to support community groups that wish to take advantage of the space.

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