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The EC Fruit and Vegetable Markets Observatory's tomato subgroup analyzes campaign

On Friday, October 22, the European Commission's Fruit and Vegetable Markets Observatory's tomato subgroup will meet online to analyze the estimates for the summer season and the forecasts for the winter season.

According to Fepex estimates that will be presented at the meeting,  there was a decrease in the cultivation area and production during the summer campaign.

Fepex has reiterated on numerous occasions that tomato cultivation experienced setbacks in Spain. Its surface area, production, and exports have decreased, in large part due to competition from third countries, especially from Morocco.

The European Commission recognizes this setback and the growing competition from Morocco in its EU agricultural markets Outlook Report published in July of this year. "Recognizing the issue is not enough," Fepex stated, "the EC needs to adopt the necessary measures to tackle a serious problem; something that is outside the scope of action of the producing and exporting sector."

According to the report, in 2021, Spain's tomato production would fall by 10% and exports would also decline. The Commission also said that in 2021, the Community's tomato production would decline by 5.2% compared to the average of recent years, and that production in France would decrease by 2% when compared to 2020.

According to the Report, in 2021, EU tomato exports - which have been falling since 2013 - would decrease by a record 21% over 2020, standing at 350,000 tons. In the last five years, Community tomato exports have declined by 27%.

Meanwhile, the EU is expected to import 664,000 tons of fresh tomato this year, i.e. 7% more than in 2020 and 18% more than the average of the last five years. The EC highlighted the growth of Morocco, which remains the first supplier with 70% of the total imported.


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