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US (KY): Murray High School applies for funding for greenhouse

Murray High School in Kentucky has taken its first steps in funding a greenhouse. Assistant Superintendent Whitney York said during the Board of Education meeting Thursday that MHS has applied for the TVA-sponsored STEM School Grant. If awarded, MHS will receive $5,000.

“We are just starting to work on the project,” York said. “So applying for this grant is the first step to getting some initial funding.” 
York explained that for the first time in MHS history, the school has hired a full-time agriculture teacher, Brittany Forgey, and also has started a Future Farmers of America chapter which started in February of last year. She also wrote in the application that the greenhouse would provide real-life experiences for students by growing their own crops and plants at their school, and they could use the greenhouse to fundraise and as a place to learn for their horticulture classes. 
In the budget narrative portion of the application, Forgey said that a greenhouse structure package can be purchased for $12,700, which includes a 24-foot by 60-foot structure with a double plastic roof, rolling four-foot side walls, heat from propane, but which can be changed to natural gas, two wall exhaust fans, circulation fans, shade cloth, and installation. Forgey also wrote that the school would need additional funds that would be approximately $7,700. The additional funds are for starter supplies, plumbing lines, and electrical installation. 

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