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2021 National Nutrition Week:

Nutrition Australia promotes vegetable consumption

Recent surveys show that only 7% of adults and 5% of children eat the recommended amount of vegetables each day. That is why Nutrition Australia encourages Australians to increase their vegetable intake as part of National Nutrition Week.

Several Australian vegetable growers and organizations - such as Velisha Farms, Perfection Fresh, Butler Market Gardens, WA Potatoes, and Sanitarium Health Food Company - have joined forces with Nutrition Australia and other health-focused organizations to call on all Australians to "get more veg in their life" by Trying for 5. Try for 5 is an annual campaign that celebrates vegetables and the important role they play in health and wellbeing.

According to Nutrition Australia chief executive officer Lucinda Hancock, vegetables are at the very center of healthy eating. "They can safeguard us from chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and obesity," Ms Hancock said. "We know that, but still, we don't eat enough. Try for 5 is not about scare-mongering people into eating more vegetables. That simply doesn't work. It's about providing everyday Australians with the inspiration to think of vegetables in different ways."

Ausveg is also calling on Australian consumers this week to find creative ways to incorporate more veggies into their daily diets, with the aim of supporting local growers.


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