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Northeastern India

Mizoram government intent on checking vegetable price monopoly

The northeastern Indian state of Mizoram has had its Agriculture Minister, C. Lalarinsanga, state that the state government would introduce vegetable market chains that would keep a check on the monopolisation of vegetable prices in the state.

Lalarinsanga: “Traders (often) sell vegetables at high prices in the market, after getting them from the growers. The government will soon put up the draft and monitor the situation, on whether it can be implemented effectively.”

The government will probably create an organisation of vegetable producers under the plan and divide the state capital Aizawl into north and south zones. According to the proposed plan, the Mizoram State Cooperative Marketing and Consumers’ Federation (MIZOFED) would look after the northern zone, and the Mizoram State Agriculture, Horticulture and Marketing Cooperative Federation (MAHFED) would look after the southern zone.


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