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NDSU request to rename greenhouse in honor of former ND governor

At its regular board meeting next month, the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education will consider a request from North Dakota State University (NDSU), which seeks to rename a greenhouse on its campus in honor of a former North Dakota Governor.

NDSU will seek to rename the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Research Greenhouse to the John Stewart Dalrymple III Agricultural Research Greenhouse, in honor of the 32nd Governor of the State of North Dakota, Jack Dalrymple.

The station, on November 13, 2015, held a dedication to mark the completion of the final phase of construction on the greenhouse complex. The facility, which the University says is state-of-the-art, was designed to meet several needs, including research and enhanced education for the University. The project totaled $33.5 million, and was funded using a combination of state dollars and private donations. 

Read more at AM1100 The Flag (Chris Larson)

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