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Hoop house to expand Giving Garden's ability to feed those in need

By this time next year, the Giving Garden will have given more fresh, organically grown produce to local food pantries thanks to a new hoop house.

The all-volunteer agricultural program of the Church of Christ on Valentine Road is raising a hoop house that will boost the amount of lettuce and red, ripe tomatoes it donates to the food pantries at the South Congregational Church and Berkshire Dream Center.

The 2,800-square-foot facility will be ready to use for Giving Garden’s 10th growing season in 2021 from April into November.

“We figure we’ll increase produce by 25 percent,” said project coordinator and church member Gordon Clark. “Fresh, garden tomatoes are very popular. With hoop house we can control the climate and bolster our growing season.

Read the complete article here.

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