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Bangladesh vegetable exports drop due to high cargo charges

Bangladesh vegetable exporters demanded reduced cargo charges for boosting their exports to EU and Middle-Eastern countries because the demand of vegetables is gradually increasing in the international market.

At the same time, the available air service can enhance the export income in the post virus pandemic period. Industry insiders say that exporters of perishable goods now pay between US$4.0 and $4.5 for carrying a kilogram of vegetables from Dhaka to London, more than twice the freight of $1.5 and $1.7 in pre-pandemic period.

Due to higher cargo fares, the exporters are incurring losses on their vegetable exports. Exporters claimed that vegetable exporters from Bangladesh fear that they may lose the Middle Eastern market to Indian exporters due to lack of affordable air communication system.

However, the exporters are still paying higher air fare which is hindering the export growth, said Bangladesh Fruits, Vegetables and Allied Products Exporters Association general secretary Mohammad Monsur.

Bangladesh exports more than 70 varieties of vegetables to 53 countries like Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and UK, according to Bangladesh Fruit, Vegetable and Allied Products Exporters’ Association (BFVAPEA).

Vegetable exporters said that Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates were the major destinations of Bangladeshi vegetables in the Middle East. The United Kingdom is also a key buyer of Bangladeshi vegetables.


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