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Relief only to be expected at start of 2021

Vegetable prices up in Bhopal, India

The prices of vegetables are skyrocketing in the Madhya Pradesh state capital. The price of onions has soared drastically in last fortnight and is likely to rise further in the days to come. Onion costs Rs 70 per kilogram (€0.84) in retail in the state capital.

“Prices of vegetables soared because of crop damage in rain. It hampered supply of vegetables from major pockets. Onion prices will soar further as supply from Maharashtra specially Nashik either has not picked up or totally stopped. Supply is expected to improve by December end,” one wholesaler told

“Previously, we used to get supply from Nashik in this season, which kept prices under control. In this season, we are helpless as prices are spiralling in wholesale too. It has led to high prices in retail business.”

The vegetable prices are likely to be high until late December, when vegetable crops will start arriving in the market. At present, vegetables are supplied from local areas.

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