Kantyshevsky greenhouse in Ingushetia will reach planned productivity in 2020, reported the general director of the enterprise, Mr. Abdula Khadziev.
“Currently the greenhouse acreage comprises 5.5 thousand square meters, once the second phase has been launched and the production capacity achieved, we will have 11 thousand square meters. The launch is planned for the first two month of 2020. Since the beginning of 2019 we have been growing Clery variety, a disposable one and now we have started working with the remontant Murano variety, enabling crops all year round”, noted Mr. Khadziev.
According to him, over 30 new working places will be created in the complex in 2020. The first crops of the new variety will be collected in November 2019.
“Once the production capacity is achieved, we are aiming at getting on average 60-70 thousand kilos of crops that we will be mostly sending to Moscow as well as to neighboring regions and local market. Russian Federation cannot boast full-scale strawberry production; most of the berries are imported. There is only one strawberry growing complex bigger than ours, in Kislovodsk. But we have certain perspectives”, added the general director of the complex.
Kantyshevsky greenhouse complex was created in 2018, the first crops were picked in the beginning of 2019.
Source: TASS