Ruben Medina Niño, the head of the Ministry of Rural Development and Agricultural food (Sedrua) of the government of Michoacan, stated that Michoacan's raspberry production had increased by 800% in five years, going from 2,338 tons in 2012 to more than 21,000 tons in 2017, thanks to the effort and commitment of hundreds of producers.
Medina Niño also said that Mexico was the fifth biggest producer of raspberry in the world.
According to statistics published in the Agricultural Food and Fisheries Information System (SIAP), Mexico produces more than 120 thousand tons of raspberry, and the state of Jalisco leads production with more than 86 thousand tons. Together, the states of Jalisco and Michoacan produce 80 percent of the total raspberry grown in Mexico.
The leading producing municipalities of raspberry in Michoacan are Zamora, Tangancicuaro, Jacona, Irimbo, Los Reyes, Periban, and Salvador Escalante. Other producing municipalities are Ario de Rosales and Tacambaro, among others.
The raspberry from Michoacan is marketed in 25 countries around the world, most notably in Canada, the United States, Russia, Brazil, Japan, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, France, the United Kingdom, and Italy, among others.
According to Medina Niño, raspberry fruits have a significant amount of fiber that improves intestinal transit, vitamin C, citric and ellagic acid, flavonoids and folates, as well as minerals, such as potassium, magnesium and calcium, which are good for the body. It is also consumed in preserves, palettes, jams, as a flavoring, and in syrups.