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fraudulent sale of peppers

Spain: Two people arrested for fraud on horticultural trader

The Guardia Civil has arrested an agricultural producer and the security guard of a fruit and vegetable marketer in the Comarca de Poniente de Almería, accused of hatching a scheme to defraud the company with the fraudulent sale of peppers, which allowed them to earn more than 800,000 Euro.

The investigation started after a complaint filed by the president of the marketer to the Guardia Civil, reporting an unusual increase in the volume of peppers of different origins and varieties delivered by a producer.

Faced with such an increase in the quantity and number of varieties delivered, the company manager visited the greenhouse where those peppers supposedly came from. There he found that the producer's peppers were actually still growing.

The grower admitted that he was cheating the company with the help of the company's night shift guard, who was taking merchandise that had already been bought by the company and moving it to the weighing area, as if it were new merchandise. This way, the product passed as new and was paid for again, after which they shared the profits.

After this statement, company managers met with the guard, who admitted his role in the crime, which he had been involved in for years.

The Guardia Civil eventually arrested the two criminals, identified as F.L.F. (63 years old) and N.F.B. (55 years old).



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