US (TN): Republicans looking to legalize marijuana
An announcement from the House Republican Caucus on Friday said an official announcement will come next week from state Rep. Jeremy Faison, R-Cosby, and Sen. Steve Dickerson, R-Nashville, who are planning to introduce legislation about medical marijuana.
Medical marijuana has been a popular discussion within the legislature in recent years, and support from both parties has been steadily growing. Details about the legislation were not immediately clear.
Though the measure is being introduced by Republican members in both houses, sources at the legislature told the Tennessean that it will likely meet opposition from legislators in the GOP, including Majority Leader Rep. Glen Casada, R-Franklin.
In 2015, the legislature passed another Republican-led initiative to allow the cultivation of industrial hemp to produce cannabidiol oil (CBD oil) that proponents say allows alternative treatment options for seizures, pain and other medical conditions. Hemp is used in myriad products from clothing to rope and others.
Read more at The Tennesean