New and existing hybrids
HoA Spirou organized 4 demo greenhouses with new and existing Enza Zaden hybrids. During the event, the demo greenhouses were visited and there were discussions between the participants about the characteristics of the varieties. The aim was to define the characteristics to focus on in Enza Zaden’s breeding program.
Enza Zaden and HoA Spirou have had a working relationship for more than 40 years. Evert Bos, Technical Manager Enza Zaden: “The cooperation in sales and product development with HoA Spirou expresses itself in increasing sales and a wide range of quality hybrids in the Greek market.”
Elpida F1
One of the great examples of these quality hybrids is Elpida F1. “Due to its ability to adapt to many different climates and its good fruit quality, Elpida F1 is already many years the market leading variety in the large beef tomato segment in Greece,” explains Dimitris Vasilas, Sales Manager at HoA Spirou.
Bos: “It is our aim to continue the fruitful cooperation with HoA Spirou for many years to come and to create many more successful varieties.”