Dubai investor takes a stake in Plantagon Agritechture
Plantagon Agritechture is combining urban agriculture, innovative technical solutions and architecture – to meet global food security. Main owner of Plantagon Agritechture is the Stockholm based innovation company Plantagon International. Now Enspire joins as a new strategic owner of Plantagon Agritechture.
“We know of more than 45 cities around the world that are concretely planning for how to integrate urban food production into their infrastructure. We came on the market early, and when we now have reached the phase of global commercialization, we are happy to have an experienced financial partner as Enspire on board,” says Owe Pettersson, CEO of Plantagon Agritechture.
Soud Ba'alawy, the Founder and Chairman of Enspire, has long experience in financial and infrastructural projects, for corporations as well as cities and nations and sees global food security and sustainable food production as a critical challenge for the future.
“We call it the ’imperative FEW’; every city requires Food, Energy and Water to provide a sustainable living for its citizens. In our work to provide governments with the economic architecture that enables long-term, sustainable growth, Plantagon will play the important role of providing solutions for food security and sustainable food production, and creating symbiotic systems within the cities,” says Soud Ba'alawy.
”Plantagon will continue to develop new innovations within food, energy and water. All infrastructural development demands massive investments, and to be able to motivate the financial sector to participate in a really serious way we are expanding our knowledge and international network on this arena,” says Hans Hassle, co-founder of Plantagon and Chairman of Plantagon Agritechture.
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