"U.S. organic market needs more organic farmers"
Growing Pennsylvania’s Organic Farms educational conference focuses on organic production practices for beginning and transitional organic farmers. In-depth presentations on current organic farming issues are provided by speakers from universities and institutions with accomplished organic research programs, successful organic farmers, and farm industry representatives dedicated to organic production. Sessions at the 2016 conference will include topics on animal health, dairy, pastured livestock, fruits, vegetables, small (heritage) grain, soil health, and pest and weed control.
Known as the “father” of biological agriculture, Gary Zimmer is an internationally known author, speaker, and consultant. He owns Otter Creek Organic Farm, a family operated, award-winning 1,000-acre farm near Lone Rock, WI, and has been on the board of Taliesin Preservation Inc. since 2011. Zimmer will be the keynote speaker of the conference.
Jim Gerritsen and his family have owned and operated Wood Prairie Family Farm as an isolated organic farm in Aroostook County, Maine for 40 years. MOFGA-certified organic since 1982, the Gerritsens grow organic early generation Maine Certified Seed Potatoes, seed crops, vegetables, and grain. Gerritsen is the theme speaker for the conference.
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