Spain: Hoogendoorn and Benfried/Agrocatalogo sign partner agreement for Agrosol project
Agrosol is a project that Hoogendoorn and Benfried/Agrocatalogo will realize as partners. The official partner agreement was sealed on September 21, 2016.
About Agrosol
Agrosol, established in 2009, is a 94 ha nursery with multiple locations between El Ejido and Roquetas de Mar, Spain. In 4 different greenhouses all types of peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes are grown, such as cherry tomatoes. A small section is even grown organically. Over 21,000,000 kg of vegetables are produced each year. Nearly 95% of all produced vegetables are exported to England. Mr. Andres Romero and Mr. Jose Angel Amat, both responsible for administration, sales and production, have upgraded their business with modern technology to make sure they can supply their customers year-round the finest quality vegetables that the market offers.
The challenge
Mr. Andrés Romero: “For our new 32 ha high tech greenhouse we needed a process computer that can handle the challenging weather conditions in the Almeria region. The immense rising temperatures make it difficult to control greenhouse climate, especially when control actions are taken afterwards. Our technology needs to enable us to maintain a high quality production, whatever the weather conditions. Since I have good experience with iSii that we use in one of our greenhouses since 2012, we also installed an iSii in our new high-tech greenhouse. Compared with other systems the Hoogendoorn iSii process computer is more intelligent e.g. by pre-controls that anticipate changing weather conditions.”
Solutions & results
Currently Agrosol is using 3 iSii systems to control e.g. pipe rail heating, CO2 dosing, fertilization and hydroponic irrigation. All projects were delivered by Benfried/Agrocatologo and installed by engineer company Procalodor poniente. Mr. Jose Angel Amat: “What I really like about the iSii is we can fine-tune our own strategy, using any parameter we desire. For example, we use radiation and outside temperature as influences to control heating. At the same time, we use humidity and radiation as influences for our vents. Moreover, what I also like is the graphical interface that allows to assign names and colors to the worksheet. Our experience with Hoogendoorn and Benfried/Agrocatalogo has been satisfactory. Excellent service thanks to 24 hour online support. I would definitely recommend them and Hoogendoorn to other growers.”
Hoogendoorn and Benfried/Agrocatologo seal partnership
The official partner agreement was signed on September 21, 2016 at Almeria (home of Agrocatalogo), putting the Hoogendoorn service and spare parts in the center of horticultural Spain. The construction of the second high tech project, Cualin Quality, is in full progress.
For more information:
Hoogendoorn Growth Management
T: +31 (0)10 460 80 80
[email protected]