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The trade show was organized for the third time in Proeftuin Zwaagdijk. The number of exhibitors and the number of visitors were higher than last year. The trade show has the seed industry as its main target audience, and the event showed how innovative this specialist industry is.
Ard Flier, Ad Kranendonck, Thijs Kramer and Jose Carretero with the seeding line
Flier Systems presented its new seeding line, developed in conjunction with Kramer and Packaging Knowhow. With it, they are focusing on the precise seeding of demo fields. The concept consists of a machine that makes seed tapes, and separately a simple sower to use at the demo field. This way, breeders can improve quality with a minimal investment.
Martin Veenstra with the Certhon growth chamber
Industry in development
The number of young companies at the trade show is also remarkable. Start-ups and organizations that are able to present their first solutions after a few years of development. It shows the dynamics of the industry as well as the opportunities entrepreneurs are seeing there. The rise of LED lights and climate chambers was also widely represented at the show. Both Nijsen and Certhon had brought along their solutions. The easily recognized pink/red LED light was also seen at Visser (including at ViVi, the "greenhouse in a bag") and of course at Gitzels.
Seed Meets Technology was combined with various variety trials and symposiums. More news this week.
View the photo report here.