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Germany: AHDB takes UK horticulture and potato exporters to Fruit Logistica 2016

An exports platform showcasing producers from across the UK’s horticulture and potato industries will be unveiled at Fruit Logistica 2016 by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB).
Returning to the show for a fifth year with an even larger presence, AHDB Exports will provide a high profile platform in Hall 8.2 (stand B-06) from which its horticulture and potato co-exhibitors will showcase their products and services to over 67,000 trade visitors.
Nine companies will join AHDB over the three day annual event taking place from February 3 – 5 at Messe, Berlin. The AHDB Exports stand will feature a range of organisations from the UK’s fresh produce and potato industry, plus crop science and government plant health officials.
Co-exhibitors at the event include: A C Goatham, Angus Soft Fruits, Bedfordshire Growers, Cranfield University, Frederick Hiam, James Hutton Ltd, Moorhouse & Mohan, Skea Organics and SASA (Scottish Government).
The aim of the AHDB Exports stand at Fruit Logistica is to develop export opportunities for the seed potato and horticultural fresh produce industries, enabling them to promote, do business and network.

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