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US (GA): Oakland Cemetery greenhouse ribbon cutting set for Nov. 19

The Beaumont Allen Greenhouse at Oakland Cemetery will be officially dedicated in a private ceremony on Nov. 19. The greenhouse bears the name of one of the historic cemetery’s longtime supporters and leaders, Beaumont “Beau” Allen.

“Our new greenhouse will ably serve Oakland Cemetery every day, and serves as a fitting, long-lasting memorial to Beau’s work at this treasured landmark that he loved so much,” said David Moore, executive director of the Historic Oakland Foundation.

Allen, the youngest son of former Atlanta mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. and Louise Richardson Allen, served as HOF board chairman from 2004 to 2005. He was also on the organization’s board of directors and board of advisors for more than 10 years. Allen died in August 2014, and was laid to rest next to his parents at Oakland Cemetery.

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