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India: Greenhouse facility gives farmers cheap access to seeds

The greenhouse rental service is becoming increasingly popular among Haryana farmers, who are growing 6 million seedlings annually by paying a nominal fee to an Indo-Israel vegetable centre at Gharaunda near Karnal.

The centre, set up in 2011, has a greenhouse facility in half-acre and charges Rs 1-2 per sapling from farmers. It is a structure where seedling/plants are grown under climate controlled environment.

The Indo-Israel Centre for Excellence in Vegetable offers Israeli expertise in greenhouse, drip irrigation and fertigation methods to raise vegetable yields in its regular workshops to farmers and local experts.

“After learning from workshops, farmers have started adopting these technologies in a big way. They are growing seedlings using our greenhouse facility since 2011,” said Satyender Yadav, Deputy Director (Horticulture) at the centre.

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