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Berries, an ideal option for Norwegian growers

Jens Strøm, director of research and innovation and value creation at Bama, gave a speech at Gartner 2015 last week under the auspices of the Norwegian Growers Association in which he presented Norwegian producers with the advantages of berry production.

"We see great potential in Norwegian berries, especially if growers focus on the periods before and after the peak season. But this means that they should cultivate them in greenhouses or tunnel," stated Strøm.

Figures show that berry consumption amongst Norwegians has increased from 1.6 kilos per year in 2005 to 4.3 kilos in 2014, and Mr Strøm predicts that this positive trend will probably continue.

"If Norwegian authorities join the climate agreement in Paris, it will mean cuts in the total CO₂ emissions. Since food production accounts for between 8 and 10 percent of the total emissions, there will be changes in consumption patterns. We must eat less meat and more vegetables," says Power.

Another product that has done well in Bama is the trendy green cabbage. Now an application has been submitted for funding for a larger project.

"Until now it has mostly been about access, but now we will conduct research on taste and nutrition. We want to put this knowledge into the system, just as we have done with, for example, onions, carrots and potatoes," concludes Mr Strøm.

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