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14,000 hectares of vegetables being planted
North China: construction of large vegetable production site
The Gaotai Agriculture Committee plans to invest 640 million Yuan in a vegetable technology park that will cover an area of 14,000 hectares (200,000 mu) of vegetables in Gaotai county, in the North of China. Four main functional areas will be built including an organic production area, tourist area and a processing and logistic area. So far, 82.5 million Yuan has already been invested in the park and 1,200 hectares (18,000 mu) of fields have been prepared. In addition, 215 greenhouses and 3,000 steel sheds have already been constructed.
After the vegetable technology park is completed, 52,000 tons of vegetable worth an estimated 210 million Yuan can be produced every year. Gaotai aims to become a vegetable supplier for the East of China and for during low seasons in other Chinese regions. Gaotai county has managed in the past to build up an organic vegetable brand that is currently being sold on South and Central Asian markets.