The current agricultural campaign has so far been characterised by delays in the tomato production, mostly of the late crops.
For this reason, there are smaller volumes available, causing prices to rise significantly in Almeria's markets at origin. The green long life are sold for under one euro and thirty cents, while long life red tomato prices stand between one euro twenty five cents and one euro per kilo. Pear tomatoes stand at an average of one euro per kilo. These are very high prices for this type of product, since transplants are still being carried out in the greenhouses. Most of the crops are in the pollination stage and the rest are being staked. High temperatures are also affecting the setting, so volumes when the harvest starts should be small.
Green bell peppers reach initial prices of seventy cents and close the auctions at forty cents, the red stands between thirty cents and ninety cents and the yellow records an average of ninety five cents per kilo. Bell pepper prices have dropped due to the entry into production of more crops compared to the previous week. The Green Lamuyo stands between eighty five cents and forty cents, while Red Lamuyo sales start at around two euro per kilo and close the auctions at one euro and fifty cents. Italian green peppers remain expensive, with prices ranging between one euro and twenty cents and eighty five cents, while the Italian Red is sold for between ninety and forty cents.
Courgette prices have dropped; both the thin and thick varieties are sold for under fifty cents and close the auctions at around twenty cents per kilo. The high temperatures have resulted in an increase in production which doesn't match the current demand levels, so prices have fallen. The initial price of long aubergines has dropped to seventy-seven cents, with final prices of fifty cents. Striped aubergines range between sixty and forty cents.
Regarding cucumbers, the long variety stands at an average of fifty cents, French cucumbers are sold for between twenty and fifteen cents and the short black opens the auction at twenty-five cents and closes it at ten cents per kilo. Green beans remain expensive, with the Emerite sold for between two euro forty and one euro and ninety cents; the Strike has an average price of two euro and ten cents and the Helda records initial prices of two euro and closes the auctions at around one euro and fifty cents per kilo.