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US (MA): Medical pot company looking at Hurlock

Former Federalsburg Town Council President Ken Abner may not have won re-election to his seat this past Tuesday, Sept. 22, but he said, “that does not stop my voice.”

Abner is the CEO of two companies, Cannamedus and KRA Wellness. Cannamedus currently is eyeing property at the Hurlock Industrial Park, the former site of Marvesta Shrimp Farms.

Abner said he, his business partner Shawn Sizer and legal counsel, Mike Rothman, delivered a final report to the mayor and the Hurlock Town Council during a Sept. 9 meeting at Hurlock Town Hall.

Abner said there may be fear among some community members who see medical marijuana cultivating facilities as “the legalized first step towards recreational legalization of marijuana,” but he said he “is not a proponent of recreational legalized marijuana and that is not our business model.”

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