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Spain: Cajamar analyses use of biomass to improve production

Cajamar held the 3rd Agricultural Technical Seminar with the theme "Heating for greenhouses using biomass." The topic has been in the spotlight for Almeria's agricultural sector for years as one of the technological improvements that could help improve the province's greenhouse productivity, highlighting the need to install it in a viable way in relation to its cost and to the yield it would deliver.

The use of heating in greenhouses in Almeria, although still not extended, is not just good protection against frosts, but also increases fruit quality and productivity. Due to improvements in the design of boilers, as well as to growing fuel prices, biomass heating is becoming the natural alternative to traditional fossil fuel-powered boilers. 

At the seminar, basic issues like energy crop needs, strategies for an efficient greenhouse climate management, biofuels currently available and the types of heating systems in the market, were discussed.

It counted with the participation of Juan Carlos López (Fundación Cajamar), Guadalupe Pinna (CTAER), Gabriel Acién (UAL), Servando Piñero (Guadalfeo) and Alberto Sáez (La Palma).

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