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35-year flower breeding history includes valuable contributions to floriculture

US (CA): PanAmerican´s sr. plant breeder Denis Flaschenriem retires

PanAmerican Seed would like to wish Senior Plant Breeder Denis Flaschenriem all the best as he begins his retirement after 35 years in the floriculture industry.

Denis has a long history of flower breeding, beginning in 1979
at W. Atlee Burpee in Santa Paula, Calif., where he bred zinnias, marigolds, and various perennials. From there Denis joined Waller Seed Company in 1994 where he bred ageratum, vinca, viola, pansy, and portulaca among other crops. In 2001, with the acquisition of Waller by PanAmerican Seed, Denis became part of the PanAmerican Seed breeding team in Guadalupe, Calif., where he continued his breeding work on marigolds, vinca, portulaca, pansy, leucanthemum, and snapdragon crops.

Denis recently celebrated 20 years of service at PanAmerican Seed. Among his
valuable contributions to the company are the Taishan African marigold series,
the Pacifica and Titan vinca series, and a soon-to-be-introduced series of
disease-resistant vinca.

“We thank Denis for his professionalism, for his hard work, and for his interest in helping to keep PanAmerican Seed as a leading seed company in the industry,” says Matt Kramer, research director.

For more information
Ball Horticultural Company
Katie Rotella
T: +1 630 588 3296
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