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US (PA): Bangor high school student get hands dirty, try for cleaner earth in greenhouse

Bangor Area High School's greenhouses are growing fruits and vegetables while producing unique educational opportunities for its students.

Two greenhouses that were dormant for several years reopened this year and students have embraced the chance to work in them.

About twenty-five students work each day in the greenhouses with members of Lafayette College's Technology Clinic. The students sow seeds, water plants and receive lessons on a variety of agricultural issues.

High school Principal Tamara Gary said the program has been hugely popular so far. Gary said the school's goal includes several phases that would eventually lead to self-funded programs in the greenhouses.

They completed the first step over the summer that entailed repairing the roofs and refurbishing the greenhouses into working condition. They received funding and assistance from the Slate Belt Council of Governments for that project.

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