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Rwanda: World Visions greenhouse projects feeds and helps locals

In Rwanda, a group of parents are receiving seeds, training, a greenhouse structure, and entrepreneurial training to jump-start their gardens. Income from their profits allows the group to provide loans to other parents.

Beth Niyitanga is one of 15 parents in her group gathered together by World Vision; nearly all are mothers of sponsored children. They were given seeds, training, and even the structure for a greenhouse three months ago. Each day they carefully tend and water the plants, watching for the day they get ripe.

The group also received training on accessing the marketplace and getting more value for their efforts. Now instead of going to their local market, Beth and her group use bicycles to go just a few miles further to the main market. There, they can get a much higher price for the same crop.

Beth and her friends have been trained in starting up a savings group. Each week, they put some money in, then loan it out to members in need for a low interest rate. At the end of the year, they'll be able to each have a portion of the tomato profits to purchase a cow and some mattresses for their families.

Someday they hope to use the rest to help others in their small community and bring more people out of poverty.

The program is part of World Vision's Campaign For Every ChildExternal Link, an initiative designed to impact 10 million children over five years through assistance in areas like clean water, microfinance, and health.

"We realize that when we come together to solve our problems, it is easier than when we act as individuals," Beth said. "This group is useful because it has created a family for us."

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