Greenhouse constructor Bosman Van Zaal and horticultural automation supplier Hoogendoorn facilitate farmers in protected horticulture in East Africa. Several projects have already been developed in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. With Mr. Norbert van der Straaten as local representative based in Kigali, Rwanda and two local Bosman Van Zaal offices in Ethiopia and Kenya, new opportunities lie ahead. The Dutch provide together with partners turnkey solutions with knowledge and expertise on greenhouse building, cultivation systems, climate control, energy optimization, efficient use of water and fertilizers, plant physiology and pest control.
Norbert van der Straaten is dedicated to develop horticulture in Rwanda and to introduce adapted technologies and related expertise. This will be realized in cooperation with several companies, knowledge institutes and governmental organizations. Access to technology, expertise, markets and finance will be facilitated. Norbert will offer ambitious companies in Rwanda the possibility to tap into the resources and opportunities offered by Dutch leading companies. Norbert is managing the SMART project and will represent Hoogendoorn and Bosman Van Zaal in Rwanda from January 2015.
Having a local office in Kigali, with training facilities at the Rwanda Best farm, enables Bosman Van Zaal and Hoogendoorn to transfer horticultural technology to Rwanda. In addition, there will always be a specialist nearby that is aware of the local circumstances in order to provide advice, training and service. Mr. Marco Braam, Operational Director of Bosman Van Zaal: “Establishing a local office and the Greenhouse Pilot shows how much Bosman Van Zaal is committed to the growth of the horticultural sector in East Africa and Rwanda in particularly“.
SMART Horticulture Program
At the beginning of 2015, Bosman Van Zaal and Hoogendoorn will realize a Greenhouse Pilot for Rwanda Best within the SMART Horticulture program. The aim of this project is to enable farmers in Rwanda to develop a sustainable and profitable vegetable business where productivity and food-safety are key. By combining Dutch technology and expertise with local expertise of farmers and knowledge of institutes, all parties see a clear win-win-situation.
This project is managed by a consortia of leading Dutch companies, named Greenport Holland International. Bosman Van Zaal and Hoogendoorn will build the pilot greenhouse. Rijk Zwaan, Koppert and DLV Plant provide input and expertise in cooperation with knowledge institutes Wageningen University, TNO and BOP.
Through the development of protected cultivation, the project will stimulate vegetable farmers to increase both the quality and quantity of their production, hence generating additional revenues. The additional income will generate possibilities for renewed investments to increase productivity.
Training program in 2015
Besides the pilot greenhouse, the consortium includes suppliers of vegetable seeds, fertilizers and crop protection. The analysis of current post-harvest practices and possible improvements in the supply chain already started in the week of November 10-14, 2014. A delegation of SMART Horticulture partners will visit Rwanda in March 2015 to start the training program. During the trade mission to Rwanda, Minister Ploumen stated the importance of the cooperation of Dutch suppliers, such as Bosman Van Zaal, Hoogendoorn, Koppert and Rijk Zwaan with local entrepreneurs of small-scale farms in Rwanda. SMART has projects in South Africa and Rwanda, focusing on different types of technological solutions for as well large, mid as small-scale companies. Small-scale farm Rwanda Best is project partner in Rwanda. The project is co-financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Applicable technology for small-scale farms
SMART uses technological solutions that includes Bosman Van Zaal’s irrigation unit with a fertilizer mixing tank and sand filter and Hoogendoorn’s process computer iSii, to increase productivity and food safety in the horticulture industry. Unique about this project is its focus on small-scale local farmers in Rwanda. During the trade mission a field visit to Rwanda Best took place. Owner of Rwanda Best, Jean Claude Ruzibiza and Deputy Director General for International Cooperation at Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands officially opened the project by revealing the project board. Representatives of all SMART Horticulture partners were present during the kick-off.
For more information
Contact person in Rwanda
Mr. Norbert van der Straaten
T: +250 783 855 731
Bosman Van Zaal
Mr. Chris Alphenaar
T: +254 720 112 510
Mr. Dirk Sassen
T: +251 113 724 447
East Africa
Mr. Martin Helmich
T: +31 10 460 80 80