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International Soft Fruit Conference / Aardbeiendag 2025

Jan van Genderen (Royal Berry) and Geert Rasing (Rasing Aardbeien)
Jan van Genderen (Royal Berry) and Geert Rasing (Rasing Aardbeien)
In addition to cardboard packaging, Sofrupak and AgroContracts also had an innovation with an NFC chip with a scanning system (here the prototytpe of the Agro Brygagadier) for measuring data and stock.The chip is fully compostable along with the packaging
In addition to cardboard packaging, Sofrupak and AgroContracts also had an innovation with an NFC chip with a scanning system (here the prototytpe of the Agro Brygagadier) for measuring data and stock.
The chip is fully compostable along with the packaging
Agro Contracts' new system will soon be usable from picking at the grower to the end consumer
Agro Contracts' new system will soon be usable from picking at the grower to the end consumer
Chairmen of the day Klaas Walraven (Delphy) and Henny van Gurp (Glastuinbouw Nederland) could tell that there were over 800 visitors on the Wednesday.
Chairmen of the day Klaas Walraven (Delphy) and Henny van Gurp (Glastuinbouw Nederland) could tell that there were over 800 visitors on the Wednesday.
Tommaso Cumerlato with Viscon Plant Technology
Tommaso Cumerlato with Viscon Plant Technology
Jan Molenaar and Pierre Hagenaars with Het Packhuys have everything for packing fruit and vegetables
Jan Molenaar and Pierre Hagenaars with Het Packhuys have everything for packing fruit and vegetables
Filip van Langenhove and Rianne Lek demonstrate the Natutec Airobreez of Koppert.
Filip van Langenhove and Rianne Lek demonstrate the Natutec Airobreez of Koppert.
Jan van Hemert and Jacco van Delden (Rovero) 
Jan van Hemert and Jacco van Delden (Rovero) 
Signify and Philips Horticulture LED solutions with soft fruit experts Erik Jansen, Peer Hermans and Gert-Jan Goes
Signify and Philips Horticulture LED solutions with soft fruit experts Erik Jansen, Peer Hermans and Gert-Jan Goes
Willem-Jan de Kort and Bram van Hal with Haifa North West Europe with visiting crop consultant Leo Mabesoone
Willem-Jan de Kort and Bram van Hal with Haifa North West Europe with visiting crop consultant Leo Mabesoone
Ben Hoogendoorn and Bas Ramakers with HCTS, the new name from 1 January 2025
Ben Hoogendoorn and Bas Ramakers with HCTS, the new name from 1 January 2025
Adri Bom-Lemstra of Glastuinbouw Nederland did not hesitate to list a host of challenges at the start of the new year.
Adri Bom-Lemstra of Glastuinbouw Nederland did not hesitate to list a host of challenges at the start of the new year.
LTO Arbeidskracht and Nedflex with Maria Custers and Anne Floris Bottema
LTO Arbeidskracht and Nedflex with Maria Custers and Anne Floris Bottema
Cooperation partners in the photo: Bakker Barendrecht and Dutch Berries with, from left to right, Michael Suijkerbuijk, Danny Rosler, Miachael van der Zijden and Cornée van der Waal with Bakker Barendrecht and Boudewijn and Job van der Wal on behalf of Dutch Berries.

Cooperation partners in the photo: Bakker Barendrecht and Dutch Berries with, from left to right, Michael Suijkerbuijk, Danny Rosler, Miachael van der Zijden and Cornée van der Waal with Bakker Barendrecht and Boudewijn and Job van der Wal on behalf of Dutch Berries.

Peter Meinhardt and Joost Henselmans (Henselmans Aardbeiplanten)
Peter Meinhardt and Joost Henselmans (Henselmans Aardbeiplanten)
Peter White and Tim Blyth of UK company Soil Moisture Sense are experts in water management
Peter White and Tim Blyth of UK company Soil Moisture Sense are experts in water management
Rob Derikx, Roy Keunen, Sabine Robben with NovaCropControl. Rob is back in the picture after years of being an independent crop consultant, now at NovaCropControl
Rob Derikx, Roy Keunen, Sabine Robben with NovaCropControl.
Rob is back in the picture after years of being an independent crop consultant, now at NovaCropControl
Lotte and Peter Kuijlen with ZHE Trading
Lotte and Peter Kuijlen with ZHE Trading
Roy Schellekens of Schellekens Total Projects visiting Peter Kuijlen of ZHE Trading
Roy Schellekens of Schellekens Total Projects visiting Peter Kuijlen of ZHE Trading
Erwin van den Oever, Arthur Elsen and Pieter van der Sluijs with Veiling Zaltbommel 
Erwin van den Oever, Arthur Elsen and Pieter van der Sluijs with Veiling Zaltbommel 
Jurgen Verheyen and Joyce Rasquin with Grodan 
Jurgen Verheyen and Joyce Rasquin with Grodan 
Jeffrey Spies, Hortipar Lighting Solutions
Jeffrey Spies, Hortipar Lighting Solutions
Sophie Gerritsen with Zalpak was at Strawberry Day for the first time this year to generate some more attention for their cardboard packaging
Sophie Gerritsen with Zalpak was at Strawberry Day for the first time this year to generate some more attention for their cardboard packaging
Leo Hoogeveen and Alwin Scholten (PlantoSys) 
Leo Hoogeveen and Alwin Scholten (PlantoSys) 
René Clerc, OneThird
René Clerc, OneThird
Lucia Baars and Brent De Boey with Agromanager 
Lucia Baars and Brent De Boey with Agromanager 
Hugo Plaisier, Dominique Blok and Joris Vermonden with Ludvig Svensson - go with the flow
Hugo Plaisier, Dominique Blok and Joris Vermonden with Ludvig Svensson - go with the flow
The club of F1Hybrid breeders have developed another new variety: the Limore One
The club of F1Hybrid breeders have developed another new variety: the Limore One
Roland Sweijen, Ramon Koppes and David Braspenning with Limgroup. They are 1 of the F1 Pioneers
Roland Sweijen, Ramon Koppes and David Braspenning with Limgroup. They are 1 of the F1 Pioneers
ZLTO and Glastuinbouw Nederland are co-organisers of the Aardbeiendag. Frits van Dijkmans and Gerard Selman are in for a photo
ZLTO and Glastuinbouw Nederland are co-organisers of the Aardbeiendag.
Frits van Dijkmans and Gerard Selman are in for a photo
Harold Knapen and Junior Gerard Olivier with Cocogreen 
Harold Knapen and Junior Gerard Olivier with Cocogreen 
Ties van der Linden and Felix Kirschstein (Hexafarms)
Ties van der Linden and Felix Kirschstein (Hexafarms)
Niels Claes and Jelle Vandenborne (Roam Technology)
Niels Claes and Jelle Vandenborne (Roam Technology)
Fred Odenkirchen and John van Santen (Metazet)
Fred Odenkirchen and John van Santen (Metazet)
Albert Dortmans and Johan Meersma (Orgapower)
Albert Dortmans and Johan Meersma (Orgapower)
Dirk Habets and Robin Dirks (Growtec)
Dirk Habets and Robin Dirks (Growtec)
Delphy with Ad van Laarhoven, Marc van Tilburg, Hans van de Goor, Ton Keijsers, Sean Verstappen, Gondy Heijerman and Paul van Elmpt 
Delphy with Ad van Laarhoven, Marc van Tilburg, Hans van de Goor, Ton Keijsers, Sean Verstappen, Gondy Heijerman and Paul van Elmpt 
Thomas Hoeterickx and Patrick Dankers with Octiva show the Lumion UV-C robot 
Thomas Hoeterickx and Patrick Dankers with Octiva show the Lumion UV-C robot 
Henk van Tuijl (r) (AgrowSer - VDH Foliekassen B.V.) - with Pascal Machielsen (Traycon Inframeting bv)
Henk van Tuijl (r) (AgrowSer - VDH Foliekassen B.V.) - with Pascal Machielsen (Traycon Inframeting bv)
Leon Daniels and Roy Schoenmakers (Genson)
Leon Daniels and Roy Schoenmakers (Genson)
Innovation at the fair: Bioline Agrisciences' all-new Sprayvent for precision spraying of predatory mites
Innovation at the fair: Bioline Agrisciences' all-new Sprayvent for precision spraying of predatory mites
Ansgar Bergau (Bioline) briefly gives a demonstration with the Sprayvent
Ansgar Bergau (Bioline) briefly gives a demonstration with the Sprayvent
Team picture Maurice Kassenbouw/Cogas
Team picture Maurice Kassenbouw/Cogas
Stefan Hoefnagel and Jordy van der Maarel (Mivena), they have all kinds of fertilisers
Stefan Hoefnagel and Jordy van der Maarel (Mivena), they have all kinds of fertilisers
Luc Verkoelen (WolkyTolky) was only at the fair because Yannick is about to become a daddy
Luc Verkoelen (WolkyTolky) was only at the fair because Yannick is about to become a daddy
Gijs van Asselt, Rutger Vreezen and Mihnea Paraschiv (Sigrow)
Gijs van Asselt, Rutger Vreezen and Mihnea Paraschiv (Sigrow)
Henri van Hemert has been with Oerlemans for 23 years
Henri van Hemert has been with Oerlemans for 23 years
Edwin Boeren (CLTV Zundert)
Edwin Boeren (CLTV Zundert)
The Greenery team 
The Greenery team 
Jeroen Doornebal and Pieter van Gorkum (Exitus)
Jeroen Doornebal and Pieter van Gorkum (Exitus)
Steffie van Meer, Jan Koevoets and Nol Jochems (Handelsonderneming CJ Klep)
Steffie van Meer, Jan Koevoets and Nol Jochems (Handelsonderneming CJ Klep)
Klep also has a mite disperser 
Klep also has a mite disperser 
Colleague Thijmen visiting Martien Melissant with Rovensa Next 
Colleague Thijmen visiting Martien Melissant with Rovensa Next 
Maarten Klein (FocusLed)
Maarten Klein (FocusLed)
Merijn Hesmerg, Amy Sayady, Arjen Hilbers and Jan Willem van der Velde (Centrica)
Merijn Hesmerg, Amy Sayady, Arjen Hilbers and Jan Willem van der Velde (Centrica)
Nina Tuinte and Maarten Kumeling (Fonkels). They have innovative cardboard packaging and even won an award with it for their soft fruit box with springy bottom
Nina Tuinte and Maarten Kumeling (Fonkels). They have innovative cardboard packaging and even won an award with it for their soft fruit box with springy bottom
Bart Nelen, Annelies Bayens and Els Thoele (DCM)
Bart Nelen, Annelies Bayens and Els Thoele (DCM)
Stefaan Vandaele and Paul van der Wielen (Demaitere) with the new Demtec Unifiller machine for filling pots, tubs and trays with soil or substrate
Stefaan Vandaele and Paul van der Wielen (Demaitere) with the new Demtec Unifiller machine for filling pots, tubs and trays with soil or substrate
Matthias Timmer, Harrie Jonker and Hans Lodder (Fruitmasters), they market the new F1 Hybrid strawberry "Limore One" under the Sonrosa brand
Matthias Timmer, Harrie Jonker and Hans Lodder (Fruitmasters), they market the new F1 Hybrid strawberry "Limore One" under the Sonrosa brand
Special flown in: Jacqueline Lissenburg's beautiful earrings
Special flown in: Jacqueline Lissenburg's beautiful earrings
For the first time at Aardbeiendag with their diverse range of packaging: Nils Engelvaart Jacqueline Lissenburg (Quality Pack)
For the first time at Aardbeiendag with their diverse range of packaging: Nils Engelvaart Jacqueline Lissenburg (Quality Pack)
Mats Lijten and Berend Buningh (Moleda) to promote the Agro Pure the mobile steam container for all kinds of cultivation accessories such as oa, pallets, pots and containers
Mats Lijten and Berend Buningh (Moleda) to promote the Agro Pure the mobile steam container for all kinds of cultivation accessories such as oa, pallets, pots and containers
and of course Moleda's Plantsauna for targeted treatment of diseases and pests at a crop appropriate temperature
and of course Moleda's Plantsauna for targeted treatment of diseases and pests at a crop appropriate temperature
Klaas Walraven (Delphy) predicted at the start of the Aardbeiendag as chairman of the day which terms would be mentioned a lot: Energy tax, green and resilient cultivation, labour ....
Klaas Walraven (Delphy) predicted at the start of the Aardbeiendag as chairman of the day which terms would be mentioned a lot: Energy tax, green and resilient cultivation, labour ....
Mark de Jong of ZLTO discussed the upcoming soft fruit promotion campaign. The group 18-35 year olds should start eating more strawberries. EU funding has been received for the promotional project.
Mark de Jong of ZLTO discussed the upcoming soft fruit promotion campaign. The group 18-35 year olds should start eating more strawberries. EU funding has been received for the promotional project.
Veteran and newcomer pictured together: Jos Groenewegen and Kaine La Crois with Maurice Kassenbouw.
Veteran and newcomer pictured together: Jos Groenewegen and Kaine La Crois with Maurice Kassenbouw.
Charles Verspaij and André Luijten (Cogas Climate Control)
Charles Verspaij and André Luijten (Cogas Climate Control)
A presentation by grower Jan van Genderen of Royal Berry was much appreciated.
A presentation by grower Jan van Genderen of Royal Berry was much appreciated.
Jan briefly addressed his history as a grower
Jan briefly addressed his history as a grower
Jan van Genderen has a clear vision about future of greenhouse farming.
Jan van Genderen has a clear vision about future of greenhouse farming.
For the first time, some 30 international attendees followed the Dutch-language programme through an interpreter.
For the first time, some 30 international attendees followed the Dutch-language programme through an interpreter.
In terms of energy sustainability, this is what grower Jan van Genderen of Royal Berry expects in the future.
In terms of energy sustainability, this is what grower Jan van Genderen of Royal Berry expects in the future.
Raymond van Mierlo and Hans Luijkx (Bato Plastics) expect to introduce a new product later this year. Just a little patience, then.
Raymond van Mierlo and Hans Luijkx (Bato Plastics) expect to introduce a new product later this year. Just a little patience, then.
Niek Vlemminx of Aigro and Joost Meijer (Hortiworld). Both companies are working together, with an autonomous driving platform from Aigro with Hortiworld and Biobest's technology to deploy biological control agents in the crop as a result.
Niek Vlemminx of Aigro and Joost Meijer (Hortiworld). Both companies are working together, with an autonomous driving platform from Aigro with Hortiworld and Biobest's technology to deploy biological control agents in the crop as a result.
Henny van Gurp explains the programme as chairman of the day on behalf of Glastuinbouw Nederland. There were many presentations again at the Aardbeiendag. According to some exhibitors even a little too many, because during the presentations it became quieter at the booths.
Henny van Gurp explains the programme as chairman of the day on behalf of Glastuinbouw Nederland. There were many presentations again at the Aardbeiendag. According to some exhibitors even a little too many, because during the presentations it became quieter at the booths.
Meanwhile, Aigro's autonomous driving platform also cuts the grass between the racks.
Meanwhile, Aigro's autonomous driving platform also cuts the grass between the racks.
Local food all over the place, up for grabs
Local food all over the place, up for grabs
HortiDaily Guides could again be picked up at the stands of GroentenNieuws, AGF and HortiDaily. Here, Andrea van den Hoven explains to fair visitor Austin from Organifarms all he can find in the guids.
HortiDaily Guides could again be picked up at the stands of GroentenNieuws, AGF and HortiDaily. Here, Andrea van den Hoven explains to fair visitor Austin from Organifarms all he can find in the guids.
Do not underestimate cybersecurity, argued Josephine van Luik on behalf of the Dutch Cyberweerbaarheidscentrum. 
Do not underestimate cybersecurity, argued Josephine van Luik on behalf of the Dutch Cyberweerbaarheidscentrum. 
Matthijs Jasperse (Florpartners) did a costume trick. From an 'overpriced' consultant in a suit and tie, he turned into the consultant in casual clothes that they are very happy with at Van der Avoird Trayplant.
Matthijs Jasperse (Florpartners) did a costume trick. From an 'overpriced' consultant in a suit and tie, he turned into the consultant in casual clothes that they are very happy with at Van der Avoird Trayplant.
Peter van Hulten is in management at Van der Avoird Trayplant and, together with Matthijs Jasperse with Florpartners, explained how the company was transformed from a business from entrepreneur Peter van der Avoird into a corporation.
Peter van Hulten is in management at Van der Avoird Trayplant and, together with Matthijs Jasperse with Florpartners, explained how the company was transformed from a business from entrepreneur Peter van der Avoird into a corporation.
This image marked the beginning of the transformation process at Van der Avoird Trayplant. On the left, you can see Peter van der Avoird and on the right, too. Peter van Hulten flawlessly explained how this can be done, without cosmetic interventions of course.
This image marked the beginning of the transformation process at Van der Avoird Trayplant. On the left, you can see Peter van der Avoird and on the right, too. Peter van Hulten flawlessly explained how this can be done, without cosmetic interventions of course.
Craftsman Peter van der Avoird grew to become an entrepreneur
Craftsman Peter van der Avoird grew to become an entrepreneur
Anyone who has ever visited the propagator may know this image showing the organisational structure, with strikingly not the management in the middle, but 'servant at the bottom'.
Anyone who has ever visited the propagator may know this image showing the organisational structure, with strikingly not the management in the middle, but 'servant at the bottom'.
Heleen Lugt ( and Bert Meurs (Plantalogica)
Heleen Lugt ( and Bert Meurs (Plantalogica)
Adri Bom-Lemstra (Glastuinbouw Nederland) kicked off the Wednesday.
Adri Bom-Lemstra (Glastuinbouw Nederland) kicked off the Wednesday.
Henk van Tuijl and Johan van Tuijl (VDH/AgrowSer)
Henk van Tuijl and Johan van Tuijl (VDH/AgrowSer)
Nico den Hartog and Frits van Duijn (Van Tuijl) 
Nico den Hartog and Frits van Duijn (Van Tuijl) 
Ruud den Engelsman (Luiten Greenhouses)
Ruud den Engelsman (Luiten Greenhouses)
Widontec's Clement Stoof and Willem Donkers are active in many sectors, including soft fruit.
Widontec's Clement Stoof and Willem Donkers are active in many sectors, including soft fruit.
Wouter Mooij (Mooij Gewasbescherming) chose an apt headline for his presentation.

Wouter Mooij (Mooij Gewasbescherming) chose an apt headline for his presentation.

In the industry's transition with crop protection, data collection is increasingly important.
In the industry's transition with crop protection, data collection is increasingly important.
Wouter Mooij (Mooij Gewasbescherming) discussed the introduction of the new biological control agent Dicyphus Errans in gerbera cultivation and what the strawberry sector can learn from it.
Wouter Mooij (Mooij Gewasbescherming) discussed the introduction of the new biological control agent Dicyphus Errans in gerbera cultivation and what the strawberry sector can learn from it.
More than a third of Dutch gerbera growers are now using the new biological control agent.
More than a third of Dutch gerbera growers are now using the new biological control agent.
Vos Capelle took a Moleaer unit to the fair.
Vos Capelle took a Moleaer unit to the fair.
Attention to disinfection and hygiene at Mertens' stand
Attention to disinfection and hygiene at Mertens' stand
Wilbert Vervoort and Tim Rijkers (Smits) next to a Riverscreen, a filter for coarse pollution in water basins. The technology was brought over from North America.
Wilbert Vervoort and Tim Rijkers (Smits) next to a Riverscreen, a filter for coarse pollution in water basins. The technology was brought over from North America.
Carl Rentes and Fleur Gulien (Vivent)
Carl Rentes and Fleur Gulien (Vivent)
Maarten Hofkes (Proefcentrum Hoogstraten) discusses Rhizopus control in strawberry.
Maarten Hofkes (Proefcentrum Hoogstraten) discusses Rhizopus control in strawberry.
How does such a fluffy white fungus ball like the one on the left of the picture actually form?
How does such a fluffy white fungus ball like the one on the left of the picture actually form?
Several crop protection products have been tested, and ranked for effectiveness in the Flemish study.
Several crop protection products have been tested, and ranked for effectiveness in the Flemish study.
In conversation with an exhibition visitor at today's royal Legro.
In conversation with an exhibition visitor at today's royal Legro.
Cas Boomaerts and Antoon Vissers (Traycon Projecten)
Cas Boomaerts and Antoon Vissers (Traycon Projecten)
Martien Melissant of Rovensa Next meets newcomer Bart Odijk with Incotec. Brechje Veerman came to introduce her new colleague, while also exploring with Bart the opportunities for Incotec in the strawberry market. The advance of strawberries from seed may offer opportunities for the company, which is good at seed coatings.
Martien Melissant of Rovensa Next meets newcomer Bart Odijk with Incotec. Brechje Veerman came to introduce her new colleague, while also exploring with Bart the opportunities for Incotec in the strawberry market. The advance of strawberries from seed may offer opportunities for the company, which is good at seed coatings.
Labour, another challenge for strawberry growers, explains Adri Bom-Lemstra with Glastuinbouw Nederland
Labour, another challenge for strawberry growers, explains Adri Bom-Lemstra with Glastuinbouw Nederland
Eric Jansen (Wilderhof), Manon Krijen and Iris Veeke (Miss Berry) and Andrea van den Hoven (AGF)
Eric Jansen (Wilderhof), Manon Krijen and Iris Veeke (Miss Berry) and Andrea van den Hoven (AGF)
Vera Theelen (Delphy) discussed research on everbearers.
Vera Theelen (Delphy) discussed research on everbearers.
Frank Kempkes spoke on behalf of WUR about research on climate saving and dehumidification.
Frank Kempkes spoke on behalf of WUR about research on climate saving and dehumidification.
Following the introduction of F1 hybrid strawberries from seed by Limgroup's Vincent Deenen last year, Roland Sweijen gave an update on behalf of the breeding company.
Following the introduction of F1 hybrid strawberries from seed by Limgroup's Vincent Deenen last year, Roland Sweijen gave an update on behalf of the breeding company.
Limgroup is convinced of the many advantages of F1 hybrid strawberries from seed.
Limgroup is convinced of the many advantages of F1 hybrid strawberries from seed.
No Aardbeiendag without a word from chairman of the national strawberry committee, grower Jeroen Schwering.
No Aardbeiendag without a word from chairman of the national strawberry committee, grower Jeroen Schwering.
Wilco van den Berg (GroentenFruit Huis) shared statistics on the market
Wilco van den Berg (GroentenFruit Huis) shared statistics on the market
Wilco specifically addressed the challenges with product availability.
Wilco specifically addressed the challenges with product availability.
In contrast to other greenhouse crops, non-EU imports of strawberries are limited, and therefore less competitive for growers in the Netherlands and Belgium.
In contrast to other greenhouse crops, non-EU imports of strawberries are limited, and therefore less competitive for growers in the Netherlands and Belgium.
Cindy van Rijswick (Rabobank) is positive about the position of Dutch strawberry growers
Cindy van Rijswick (Rabobank) is positive about the position of Dutch strawberry growers
Jan Bier, Hua Li, Ellen Veraert, Koen van Gorp (Mechatronix), Gert Voeten of (Delphy) and Franky van Looveren (Mechatronix)
Jan Bier, Hua Li, Ellen Veraert, Koen van Gorp (Mechatronix), Gert Voeten of (Delphy) and Franky van Looveren (Mechatronix)
Job Bossers, JB Hydroponics
Job Bossers, JB Hydroponics
Mikel Perez, MSC
Mikel Perez, MSC
Michele Pavano, P.Tre
Michele Pavano, P.Tre
Meindert van de Wielen and Hans van de Pas (Bioline Agroscience) with their Sprayvent
Meindert van de Wielen and Hans van de Pas (Bioline Agroscience) with their Sprayvent
Alfred Boot, Herkuplast
Alfred Boot, Herkuplast
Joost van Ruijven, Jerry Arkesteijn, Bob Persoon (Beekenkamp)
Joost van Ruijven, Jerry Arkesteijn, Bob Persoon (Beekenkamp)
Silke Schweighoefer with  Umweltanalytische Produkte GMBH with their Firmtech Eleven
Silke Schweighoefer with  Umweltanalytische Produkte GMBH with their Firmtech Eleven
The Hoogstraten team
The Hoogstraten team
Jorg Amft, Metasa
Jorg Amft, Metasa
Bart Verhoeven, Heecon
Bart Verhoeven, Heecon
Paul van Kempen and Eric Milants, ICL
Paul van Kempen and Eric Milants, ICL
Erik van de Made and Jevgenijs Karklins, Aranet
Erik van de Made and Jevgenijs Karklins, Aranet
Mr Dorgan, Glaia
Mr Dorgan, Glaia
Pauline Bugter, Eurofins
Pauline Bugter, Eurofins
Henk Dedeijne, Vermako
Henk Dedeijne, Vermako
Ilona Smith, Robbie Gieslink and Evert Keuken (ABZ Seeds)
Ilona Smith, Robbie Gieslink and Evert Keuken (ABZ Seeds)
Henk van Horen, Werner Hack and Piet Beurskens (Rapo)
Henk van Horen, Werner Hack and Piet Beurskens (Rapo)
Tomer corn from Pelemix
Tomer corn from Pelemix
Daisy Stoop, Erwin Dekker, Jan Simons and Eric Boot (Kekkila-BVB)
Daisy Stoop, Erwin Dekker, Jan Simons and Eric Boot (Kekkila-BVB)
Paul van Gils (Lumiforte), was also seen on stage
Paul van Gils (Lumiforte), was also seen on stage
Riss Watt with Elite Tunnel Ltd. Elite tunnel is now part of the Tapex Group Company
Riss Watt with Elite Tunnel Ltd. Elite tunnel is now part of the Tapex Group Company
Dominique Blok and Ton Habraken with Ludvig Svensson. In the middle Winny van Adrichem-van Heijningen with
Dominique Blok and Ton Habraken with Ludvig Svensson. In the middle Winny van Adrichem-van Heijningen with
Razvan Iftimiciuc and Owen Lane, XL Soft Fruit Solutions
Razvan Iftimiciuc and Owen Lane, XL Soft Fruit Solutions
The difference between ordinary film and XL Soft Fruit Solutions' EVO AC film
The difference between ordinary film and XL Soft Fruit Solutions' EVO AC film
Remco Meewisse (Metazet) with Second Skin
Remco Meewisse (Metazet) with Second Skin
Hybrid strawberry plant from Limgroup, on Grodan substrate
Hybrid strawberry plant from Limgroup, on Grodan substrate
Hans van Eijk, Grodan
Hans van Eijk, Grodan
Peter Klein, Biota Nurti
Peter Klein, Biota Nurti
Rick Keijsers and Ronald Thijssen (Ammelaan Construction)
Rick Keijsers and Ronald Thijssen (Ammelaan Construction)
Heiner Lenssen (Genson) and Edita Paliskyte and Rita Paliskiene (FantasyFlowers)
Heiner Lenssen (Genson) and Edita Paliskyte and Rita Paliskiene (FantasyFlowers)
Rob van Adrichem (Priva) and Thomas Hoeterickx with Octiva at the Xenion Lumion (autonomous UV-C crop protection)
Rob van Adrichem (Priva) and Thomas Hoeterickx with Octiva at the Xenion Lumion (autonomous UV-C crop protection)
Lars Tolenaar and Thomas Meeus, Jiffy
Lars Tolenaar and Thomas Meeus, Jiffy
Ridder of course also present again, Alice van der Helm and Arjan van der Klaauw
Ridder of course also present again, Alice van der Helm and Arjan van der Klaauw
Sun Woo Kim, Emma Mizy Seo and Yun Ji Jeong with Shungbuk National University
Sun Woo Kim, Emma Mizy Seo and Yun Ji Jeong with Shungbuk National University
Agrolux. Gert-Jan Dekker, shows off their new fixture
Agrolux. Gert-Jan Dekker, shows off their new fixture
The Lumiforte team; Hidde Huisintveld, Ruben Lensing and Bas Moeskops.In particular, they promote the coating for more light and less heat. It delivers better results in terms of procution
The Lumiforte team; Hidde Huisintveld, Ruben Lensing and Bas Moeskops.
In particular, they promote the coating for more light and less heat. It delivers better results in terms of procution
Kateryna Volianska and Hanna Lutskobe visiting the stand of Wim Roosen with Dutch Plantin
Kateryna Volianska and Hanna Lutskobe visiting the stand of Wim Roosen with Dutch Plantin
The Idris team
The Idris team
Marco Joseph, Peter Korten, Charles Dings and Ron Vos, respectively with Vos Capelle and EVE Techniek
Marco Joseph, Peter Korten, Charles Dings and Ron Vos, respectively with Vos Capelle and EVE Techniek
Viano's Pieter Krauch holds a container of biostimulant especially for soft fruit.
Viano's Pieter Krauch holds a container of biostimulant especially for soft fruit.
Jim van Gennip, Mark Koenen, Sander Koenen and Twan van Gennip (Twan van Gennip)
Jim van Gennip, Mark Koenen, Sander Koenen and Twan van Gennip (Twan van Gennip)
Niels Jacobs and Rene van Haeff (Light4Food). 
Niels Jacobs and Rene van Haeff (Light4Food). 
Arthur Kramer and Malcolm Yare, FOODAUTONOMY
Arthur Kramer and Malcolm Yare, FOODAUTONOMY
Thijs Kraaijenveld (Fairplant) for plugs and young plants
Thijs Kraaijenveld (Fairplant) for plugs and young plants
Peter van Hulten and Robin Stolk, Van der Avoid Trayplant
Peter van Hulten and Robin Stolk, Van der Avoid Trayplant
Shawn Mallen is also visiting the ISFC again, with a lightning visit from Canada
Shawn Mallen is also visiting the ISFC again, with a lightning visit from Canada
K. Balasuriya and Sander Steinmann, Botanicoir
K. Balasuriya and Sander Steinmann, Botanicoir
Erik Veenman, Legro 
Erik Veenman, Legro 
Team Van den Elzen Plants
Team Van den Elzen Plants
Raymond van Ispelen, Jan Vanoverschelde and Maud van Well with Klasmann Deilmann. Raymond holds a container with the Growcoon. The Growcoon is suitable for the propagation of soft fruit plants
Raymond van Ispelen, Jan Vanoverschelde and Maud van Well with Klasmann Deilmann. Raymond holds a container with the Growcoon. The Growcoon is suitable for the propagation of soft fruit plants
Bram Meulblok, part of the Heliospectra team since this month
Bram Meulblok, part of the Heliospectra team since this month
Fred van Veldhoven, Skytree
Fred van Veldhoven, Skytree
Biobest's international team; Tim Crittenden, Eline Braet, Arno Hellmons and Niall Conboy
Biobest's international team; Tim Crittenden, Eline Braet, Arno Hellmons and Niall Conboy
Jan Damen with the Dutch Weighing Company, explains to Marc van Steenhoven with Steenhoven robus plant) and Eric Jansen with Wilderhof
Jan Damen with the Dutch Weighing Company, explains to Marc van Steenhoven with Steenhoven robus plant) and Eric Jansen with Wilderhof
Thijs van Dijk, Henrik Lind, Ronnie Kersten, Teunis Sikma and Ruud Venner with Fresh Forward
Thijs van Dijk, Henrik Lind, Ronnie Kersten, Teunis Sikma and Ruud Venner with Fresh Forward
Bart Joosten and Richard Claassen, Mertens
Bart Joosten and Richard Claassen, Mertens
Robert Jansen and Kaylee Vermeulen, DLI
Robert Jansen and Kaylee Vermeulen, DLI
Arnold Bal, Meteor Systems. Now show what else they do with Green Meteor. In addition to their traditional cultivation gutters, they now have agri-PV
Arnold Bal, Meteor Systems. Now show what else they do with Green Meteor. In addition to their traditional cultivation gutters, they now have agri-PV
Van Alphen's Frank van Alphen
Van Alphen's Frank van Alphen
Theo Slaats, Bas ter Brug and Job Slokkermans with Yield Computer. Forcasting made easy
Theo Slaats, Bas ter Brug and Job Slokkermans with Yield Computer. Forcasting made easy
Bart Bakker with Svensson
Bart Bakker with Svensson
That Harry and Lennart Schouten with ISA CropCare are loyal visitors to Strawberry Day is proven by this photo.
That Harry and Lennart Schouten with ISA CropCare are loyal visitors to Strawberry Day is proven by this photo.
Tom de Smet, SLH Films
Tom de Smet, SLH Films
Team Bogaerts proudly show off their UV-C Robot against mildew
Team Bogaerts proudly show off their UV-C Robot against mildew
Geert Maris with TTA
Geert Maris with TTA
Adam Sikorski with SoFruPak and Kacper Dach with Agro Contracts
Adam Sikorski with SoFruPak and Kacper Dach with Agro Contracts
Tuomo Laine came over from Finland, he is from the Natural Resouces Institute
Tuomo Laine came over from Finland, he is from the Natural Resouces Institute