The Netherlands exported €128.9 billion worth of agricultural goods in 2024, an increase of almost 5% compared to the previous year. While export volume grew slightly, the increase was mainly driven by price developments. Dairy and eggs, ornamental plant products, and meat remain the most popular export products.
Dutch agricultural imports were estimated at €86.1 billion in 2024, up 3.2% from 2023. This data comes from the annual study by Wageningen Social & Economic Research (WSER) and Statistics Netherlands (CBS), commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security, and Nature (LVVN).
"The Dutch agri-food sector is a world-class, innovative top sector. It is high time we reaffirm our pride in this important industry with full conviction. Maintaining our strong international position is crucial, especially in times of geopolitical challenges," said Femke Marije Wiersma, LVVN minister.
"We are proud of the farmers, market gardeners, and fishermen who work hard every day to provide food for the Netherlands and the world. After all, food security cannot be taken for granted. With Dutch knowledge and expertise, we make an indispensable contribution to global food security," said Jean Rummenie, LVVN state secretary.
Europe's most important trading partner
The European Union remains the Netherlands' largest export market, accounting for 72.2% of exports in 2024, up from 71.1% in 2023. As in previous years, most agricultural exports go to neighboring countries. An estimated 25% of total exports went to Germany, followed by Belgium in second place with 12%.
Two-thirds of agricultural exports consist of Dutch-made products, which generate almost 90% of export earnings. The top export categories are dairy and eggs (€12.3 billion), ornamental plant products (€11.9 billion), meat (€10.7 billion), cocoa and cocoa products (€9.9 billion), and potatoes and vegetables (€8.9 billion). These top five categories account for nearly 42% of total export value in 2024.
The report reaffirms that the Dutch agri-food sector plays a key role on the international stage, distinguished by its innovative entrepreneurship, expertise, and strategic logistical position.
Source: CBS