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Blockage-free drip lines thanks to favorable biofilm

Just at the time of crop rotation, growers are again seeing how dirty their drip lines can become during the season. During crop changes, growers then reach for remedies to get their systems clean again. But what if you can prevent contamination?

Growers can do so by working with the BioMicrobes Drip Line concept, Marco Breekweg of Microbac demonstrates. He was at the Canadian Greenhouse Conference last October to introduce the product to the Canadian market. The distributor in North America is Dynamic AG Solutions. "For now, we are focusing on the North American market, but we will now enter the European market as well." This will be done under the brand name Natrubac - Drip Line.

Wyatt and Brett Verbeek with Dynamic AG Solutions and Marco Breekweg with Microbac during the Canadian Greenhouse Conference 2024

Non-sticky biofilm
BioMicrobes Drip Line is a biological solution for clogging-free drip irrigation systems. The product is specially designed to prevent clogging and maintain the efficiency of drip irrigation systems, especially in greenhouses. The product consists of a carefully selected mix of bacteria and is authorized for organic crops. The product offers an alternative to the use of hydrogen peroxide.

"Drip Line introduces a unique population of bacteria into the irrigation system and forms a beneficial biofilm. Unlike traditional biofilms that cause blockages due to accumulated organic matter, this biofilm actively breaks down organic waste and produces significantly less slime. It creates a non-sticky biofilm to which dirt cannot adhere. This ensures that drippers remain clean and operational throughout the growing season."

Preventive use
Marco points out that growers are best advised to use the product preventively. That means at the beginning of a new crop. The product works best with water with an EC of between 1 and 3.5. At a higher EC, the effectiveness decreases slowly. Bio Microbes Drip Line can be mixed directly with irrigation water before use, after which growers can perform their usual watering rounds.

How did Microbac actually find out about the unique effect? "While testing our microbiological products in the field, we discovered something extraordinary: drip lines treated with our solutions remained impeccably clean - even in systems notorious for clogging. On closer inspection, we discovered that the powerful bacteria in our formula actively broke down organic material in the pipes, eliminated accumulations, and maintained optimal water flow."

The discovery formed the basis of Drip Line. Microbac has more than 25 years of experience in microbiology.

For more information:
Marco Breekweg
Microbac BV
Dorsvloerweg 435
2661 MN Bergschenhoek, The Netherlands