Saturday was the last night of the Hometown Festival in Maasland. And there was an eye-catching activation going on there. Through a 'Vitamin C charging station', visitors can enjoy the sweet pointed pepper. No fast food for a while, but a healthy vegetable snack to gain energy. With the initiative, the Love my Salad platform wants to draw attention to eating vegetables among young people.
"Our aim is to make young people aware of the importance of vegetable consumption. We specifically focus on the sweet pointed pepper during the festival because of its high vitamin C content and the fact that it can be eaten directly as a snack. We consume far too few vegetables in the Netherlands and when we do eat them, it is often with dinner. Vegetables don't have to be eaten only during regular meal times, but can be eaten anytime during the day. By eating vegetables spread throughout the day, it is also much easier to reach the recommended amount. That's what we want to pass on to young people," says Annelies Blaauwkamer of Love my Salad.
By collaborating with HomeTown Festival, the platform wants to surprise young people and draw attention to the importance of vegetable consumption in an unexpected way. The activation looks like an American gas station. You can get your vitamin C shot there. There is also a catch game present, where you have to catch pointed peppers to win fun prizes.
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