The New Mobile Gutter System (MGS) from VH Systems has the main objective of increasing yield per m², flexibility and efficiency for growers. The system offers growers various features to take the cultivation of the crops, head lettuce < 150 grams and leaf lettuce to the next level, according to this post, published earlier in Havecontact.
One of the advantages of the New MGS is that higher yields can be achieved in the same area by using very narrow cultivation gutters, Roeland van Dijk with VH says. "The innovative and advanced technology that automatically moves these cultivation gullies enables growers to produce more crops on the same cultivation area compared to existing systems. The end result is higher profitability and ROI."
The new system also enables various cultivation tasks to be carried out more flexibly. "Crops grow in the same gully throughout the cultivation cycle, from sowing to harvesting, which makes it easier for growers to organise and manage their cultivation tasks. Production is streamlined as a result, saving time and expenditure on labour."
New substrate and seeding system
One innovative feature of the New MGS is the new substrate and sowing system, which can simultaneously supply multiple cultivation gullies with substrate and sow plants directly. The sowing method is very flexible, precise, and safe. "The growth substrate is wrapped in biodegradable paper sleeves, which reduces substrate use and results in cleaner production. The cultivation gully is kept very narrow by using the minimum necessary quantity of substrate. The cultivation gully is designed in a way that allows plenty of water to be supplied to it after the substrate is placed, and prevents tilting during the entire cultivation process. Thanks to the integration of the flexible germination box into the growing beds, and incorporation of technology to automatically widen the cultivation gullies during cultivation, the system is ideal for a broad range of crops."
The cultivation area is completely used in both the winter and summer.
Harvesting is fully automated. "Thanks to the possibility of harvesting multiple cultivation gullies at the same time, the harvesting capacity within normal working hours is excellent. If mixed seeds are sown, crops can also be packed mixed, making packaging more efficient.
After harvesting, the cultivation gullies can be washed, dried, and disinfected in preparation for a new production cycle. "The New MGS is therefore a sustainable choice for modern growers striving for optimisation and long-term success", says Roeland.
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