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Vanessa Bersuat, Biogaronne

France: Satisfactory strawberry campaign

Biogaronne has just ended its strawberry campaign, which was fairly satisfactory despite the changeable weather. "We sold our last trays on June 7th. The campaign went rather well. We had lower volumes than last year, but more attractive prices for the growers," explains Vanessa Bersuat, head of organic fruit and vegetable sales and purchasing at Biogaronne.

Strong demand for strawberries
The rainy weather only had little impact on the demand, but it did cause quality problems in production. "As far as we are concerned, we had no complaints about the quality of the batches we received. But the growers had a lot of disease problems, which led to more sorting in production. Despite this very rainy and cool weather, we still sold volumes. People just really wanted to eat strawberries."

Good start to the raspberry campaign
After strawberries, it is now time for the raspberry and blueberry campaigns. "Our forecast is 4 tons for raspberries and 8 tons for blueberries. We are satisfied with the start of the raspberry campaign. The product is of good quality and selling well. If the season goes as planned, we should be able to continue until November or early December."

Difficult season to come for melons
Although other products are currently sold by Biogaronne, such as tomatoes, beans and eggplants, some will have suffered too much from the bad weather to be among the marketable references. "We have missed certain products, such as broad beans, peas, fennel, bunch onions and lettuce. We are also worried about the coming season for field-grown melons and watermelons, as we have a number of disease problems, which could lead to a complicated season. We should have started marketing the first fruits in mid-June. Instead, we will have to wait until mid-July, despite the already strong demand for the product."

For more information:
Vanessa Bersuat - Responsable Commerciale
Romas RD 13, 47130 Port-Saint-Marie
Phone: 05 53 98 39 10
[email protected]

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