A local food entrepreneur is making a difference with hydroponics to tackle South Africa’s food security issues. Bonothile Khuboni is tackling this pressing issue of food insecurity with sustainable agriculture which has become a key focus of her business venture.
After graduating from Oribi’s #FoodSystem incubation program, she went on to create and scale her first non-profit company, Imvelo Agri Solutions, at two schools in KwaZulu Natal where she teaches students about the value of hydroponics as a sustainable growing method.
Food insecurity is exacerbated by climate change and soil erosion. In South Africa, approximately 61 million hectares of land, about half of the country’s entire surface area, is classified as having a moderate to severe potential risk of soil erosion.
“Increasing soil erosion and infertile soil makes it hard for South Africans to grow their own food. I believe that hydroponic farming systems offer an innovative and sustainable solution to growing food on both a subsistence level as well as a commercial level,” Khuboni says.
Read more at citizen.co.za