Ust-Ilimsk and Angarsk, two cities in the Irkutsk region, have embarked on the cultivation of greenhouse vegetables in their advanced greenhouse complexes. The initiative aims to yield a bountiful harvest for the year 2024, with plans to plant approximately 396,000 seedlings of various greenhouse crops.
As of now, more than 82,100 seedlings have already been planted, including 61,100 cucumbers, 14,700 tomatoes, 4,200 aubergines, and 2,100 bell peppers, according to the statement by Ilya Sumarokov, the Minister of Agriculture for the Irkutsk region.
The projected production volumes for the year 2024 are as follows: 1,328 tons of cucumbers, 303.9 tons of tomatoes (including 15 tons of cherry tomatoes), 19.97 tons of bell peppers, 35.49 tons of aubergines, and 57 tons of various green and aromatic crops.