Pavel Makatrov, an individual entrepreneur and resident of the territory of advanced development (TOR) 'Chukotka,' has successfully cultivated vegetables and greens in the harsh conditions of the Far North. In 2023, his greenhouse expanded with a facility exceeding 2,000 square meters.
Over six months, approximately 60 tons of fresh vegetables were harvested, offering an alternative to the expensive imported produce. Makatrov's vegetables, grown in the TOR greenhouse, cost 4.57 euros per kilogram, compared to the exorbitant prices of 10.16 euros per kilogram for cucumbers in Chukotka during winter.
A large vegetable farm solves the problem of Chukotka's dependence on expensive produce delivered by air during non-navigable periods. The year-round production mitigates supply challenges, with a diverse range of vegetables cultivated hydroponically under controlled conditions.
Makatrov's success has attracted attention from colleagues in Arctic regions, making his enterprise a leading example of small business innovation and scalability in Chukotka. As the greenhouse venture continues to expand, Makatrov remains optimistic about tackling more complex crops, such as tomatoes, driven by a commitment to supplying the region with locally grown, fresh produce.