It is wonderful when a customer who, during regular greenhouse maintenance, can also do much-needed maintenance on their screen system. That requires specific calculation knowledge. Aad Wissenburg, who joined the Dutch company HS Tuinbouw Service in April of this year, has that know-how. Not long after arriving, Aad sold a screen renovation project to bell pepper grower Vink Sion.
Aad at the office
That concerns revamping a 7.4+ hectare greenhouse's upper and lower screens. The job began in week 47 and should be done before Christmas. Jaap Vink wants to start his new crop then. "We're happy to have gotten the chance to show we can also do this kind of project. For us, meeting the deadline is a matter of prestige," says Aad.
He has been involved in horticulture for a while and had his first greenhouse construction and demolition company at 18. Later, Aad worked for other greenhouse engineering firms, with an intermediary step into the utilities sector. "I recently gained the necessary experience in calculating screen installations."
Aad's experience comes in handy with this project. The bell pepper grower has been an HS client for many years for regular maintenance of his greenhouse complex. HS and the grower selected the right screen material together. "It was important to Jaap to see how the dehumidification works," he says.
The initial work at Vink Sion
Vulnerable points
The bell pepper grower uses a double-screen system. "We removed one, including the nylon wires. The pull wires are still good, so they stayed." The bottom screen was replaced several years ago. "Just not the nylon wires. We're going to replace all those. Those are often vulnerable points in a screen system," Aad knows.
HS has maintained and renewed screen system parts, including nylon wires, for several years. The company works year-round with a staff of between 40 and 100 mechanics. "We want always to unburden the customer. It's great if we can take on all the work. We have specialists for this project as well."
More unique projects
Now that the project is underway, colleague Leo van der Pot is often on-site, overseeing the work. Aad will also visit regularly. Differences in the installation types can be a point of attention in the screen system's calculations and renovation. Vink Sion has two greenhouses with two kinds of screen installations. "One is mostly spring steel, which means there's less stretch. For both, you sometimes need different parts, such as wind-up springs and truss clamps," he says.
As an estimator, Aad enjoys these kinds of 'more unique projects.' "It's lovely to see projects coming in since I joined HS Horticultural Service. That makes me feel good." He is, by no means, only involved with screen installations. And recently sold a boiler house expansion too. "Then, the salesman in me surfaces. We're glad that alongside regular maintenance - our core business - we can also sell special projects like this," he concludes with a contented smile.
For more information:
Aad Wissenburg
HS Tuinbouw Service
15 Slotenmaker Street
2672 GC, Naaldwijk, NL
Tel.: +31 (0) 626 593 844
Tel.: +31 (0) 174 501 368
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]