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Menno Reijgersberg and Willem Nowee about Varekamp Coldstores integration into ERP:

"Turns out the two companies complement each other 100%"

From January 1, 2022, Varekamp Coldstores has officially fallen under the Europe Retail Packing (ERP) banner. The new website is an excellent opportunity to reflect on these two Dutch companies' integration with directors Menno Reijgersberg and Willem Nowee. "A big advantage is that the companies complement each other 100%," they begin.

Though Menno and Willem sat on the business park's tenant association for years, they did not have any further business dealings. The cooperation's timing, however, was excellent for both. Willem had been managing the Westland cold store for 20 years, and it was time to consider his next step. Menno was looking to, alongside his packaging activities, expand the service and product package in the Poeldijk area. One plus one, thus, equaled three.

"In such an orientation phase, you consider the market position and the facilities and how you can add value together and to each other," says Willem. Looking at each other's service range and clientele, it turned out we had no overlap but would complement each other 100%. From a customer and both teams' perspective, there were also plenty of discussion starting points. All that translated into a smooth integration."

"Despite being very different, we very much see ourselves in each other's passion and DNA and in both companies' flexible working methods. And it shows because, internally and externally, you can see we add value to each other. We recently started with a new client we fully serve with our broad range of services from both companies. The combination and strength that creates convinced him," explains Willem.

Besides its locations in Poeldijk, ERP has three more in the Netherlands and recently began specializing in sweet potatoes, exotics, blueberries, grapes, citrus, and greenhouse vegetables. "At the other locations, we already have cold store partners," says Menno.

"We can, therefore, relieve our clientele from the port to the DC of all their packaging, storage, and clearance needs. We were missing that partnership in Poeldijk. By acquiring Varekamp, we've filled that gap. Incidentally, clients can, at all times, choose which location they prefer."

"We can genuinely celebrate how the takeover and integration went. By the book, I'd almost say. But, we need to take the collaboration even further. That's why we've taken the step of transferring Varekamp's office staff to ERP. We can further optimize the partnership in the coming period by all working from a single IT system. That also provides internal chances for new talent," Manno explains.

For the next while, the company will focus on consolidation. "There's increasing pressure on the chain, and costs are skyrocketing; just think of the increased minimum wage. You must be efficient to guarantee your right to exist. So, we're fully committed to automation. We've grown tremendously in recent years. That's obviously wonderful."

"But in the coming period, we'll focus on strengthening partnerships with our current customers. New clients are, naturally, still very welcome. Building and expanding partnerships is our goal for the next two years. We've thus recently strengthened the MT with two new positions, including an IT & Supply Chain Manager. The foundation must be sound, then we can move forward," Manno concludes.

For more information:
Menno Reijgersberg
Europe Retail Packing
Tel.: +31 (0) 621 832 400
Email: [email protected]

Willem Nowee
Varekamp Coldstores
Tel.: +31 (0) 622 41 6727
Email: [email protected]

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