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VBT figures week 37:

Production dip prompts price hike for loose tomatoes

The price for loose tomatoes at VBT shot up sharply last week. With that, the price dip of late August was forgotten. Last year too, prices climbed with autumn on its way. For vine tomatoes, the price increase was minimal. Here, the price in week 37 is slightly below the five-year average.

Prices of tomatoes, top: loose tomatoes, bottom: vine tomatoes

The same goes for cucumbers, where the price has now even dropped well below the five-year average. Price recovery was not visible last week. The unit price stood at just over 33 euro cents.

The pepper price did find its way up. An average of over 1.72 euros per kilo is now paid at the Verbond van Belgische Tuinbouwcoöperaties (Federation of Belgian Horticultural Cooperatives) if we lump all colors together. For red, 1.41 euros is paid. The price rise for yellow is sharper. Here, the price is over 2.45 euros in week 37.

Prices of peppers (per kg)

In a market report from Boerenbond, they speak of a production dip in fruiting vegetables, bringing "good prices" for cucumbers and tomatoes. From the average prices for tomatoes, this is especially true for loose tomatoes. The weekly figures for cucumber do not show it (yet). Compared to the five-year average of 39 euro cents, the average price in week 37 lags a bit this year.

The same market report also mentions 'very poor' courgette prices (around 15 euro cents each) and 'good' aubergine prices. Lettuce prices are called 'correct,' with prices for head lettuce up to 80 euro cents each for 'the heavy heads.'

Prices of head lettuce

Due to the warm weather, quantities of strawberries doubled in a week. As a result, prices dropped to over 3.20 euros/kg on the clock. Raspberries, which were quite expensive, also saw a sharp increase in production, and prices dropped towards 1.30 to 1 euro/kg.

Prices of strawberries

All figures can be checked here: