With the normal lull in demand for fresh produce between the major holidays, the industry has a few weeks to catch up before sales pick up ahead of Christmas.
Declining fuel prices are helping ease the upward pressure on prices as the national average price for diesel was down significantly compared to last week. Wholesale markets and shipping points alike are seeing decreased business as buyers temporarily focus on keeping inventories low, while retail advertisements featured a low number of produce items this week. Sales of fresh fruits and vegetables are expected to see the usual increase at all market levels right as shopping for holiday meals picks up.
Mexican avocado crossings through Texas are expected to remain about the same. Trading was fairly slow on large sizes and moderate on others with prices mixed throughout the week. A wide range in prices is reported as buyer demand is being put on hold when growers and shippers attempt to raise prices. Inventories remain light due to limited harvest.
Mexican blueberry crossings through Arizona, California, and Texas movement expected to increase. Trading was very slow early and moderate later at higher prices. Quality is reported as variable. The volume of Peruvian imports of blueberries arriving through both the Philadelphia and New York City areas and Southern California movement via boat is expected to decrease as the season is past peak.
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Source: mymarketnews.ams.usda.gov