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Increased competition from importers forces Russian growers to lower tomato prices

The Russian market has seen prices in the greenhouse tomato segment rapidly decline for the second week in a row. Producers explain this by a significant increase in competition from imported tomatoes. Large volumes of imported tomatoes from Turkey and Iran have been delivered to the Russian market this week.

Greenhouses ship tomatoes at no more than 50-110 RUB/kg ($0.69-1.52/kg) now, whereas a week ago their prices started at 80 RUB/kg ($1.10/kg). As a result, prices for local greenhouse tomatoes fell by an average of 29% since the beginning of this week.

Greenhouse companies are forced to cut prices due to the rather abundant supply on the market. To date, most of the local greenhouse plants have already reached their full capacity and regularly ship tomatoes. In addition, the situation in the segment is aggravated by stable supplies of imported tomatoes from Turkey and Iran. They are now available on the market at 70 RUB/kg ($0.96/kg) on average.


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