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BGGA to deliver next phase of VegNET

North Queensland vegetable growers are set to benefit from the next phase of a national extension program, aimed at boosting productivity and delivering the latest research and development on-farm. The new $14.1 million VegNET 3.0 program will be delivered through Hort Innovation, using vegetable industry levies and funds from the Australian government.

The project, led by Australia's vegetable industry body AUSVEG, will run for five years, with AUSVEG working closely alongside extension organizations Australia-wide that have strong grassroots connections with local growers.

BGGA general manager, Rye Collins said: "We welcome the opportunity to continue working on VegNET with AUSVEG and Hort Innovation to help vegetable businesses in our region improve the productivity, profitability, and competitiveness of their businesses."


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