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Single-use plastic products banned in Slovakia

In Slovakia, an amendment of the Act No. 79/2015 Coll came into force on July 3, 2021, prohibiting companies from placing certain single-use plastic products as well as packaging and non-packaging products made of OXO-biodegradable plastic on the Slovakian market.

The legislation aims to support manufacturers who bring recyclable products to the market and, among other things, to move away from the use of composite packaging or multiple types of packaging for the same product.

Following European legislation, the Slovak Waste Act prohibits companies from placing the following products on the Slovakian market:

  • Single-use plastic products
  • Packaging made of OXO-biodegradable plastics
  • Non-packaging products made of OXO-biodegradable plastics

In addition to single-use plastic products, packaging made from OXO-biodegradable plastics is also banned. In simple terms, this is plastic packaging that breaks down into small particles through exposure to oxygen, such as containers for fruits and vegetables.

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